Reproductive and Child Health (RCH)
In late 1990s, Dr. G A Panse, Retd. Additional Director, Maharastra State Health Services, joined KEMHRC. He brought with him rich experience in running various Public Health Programmes. Dr. Banoo Coyaji, Chairperson, KEMHRC also had vast experience in running programmes of the Health and Family Welfare Department. After consultation with National Institute of Health & Family Welfare (NIHFW) officials the 2 came up with a proposal of starting a Training Centre for various health staff. This would be considered as a TOT activity and KEMHRC could be designated as a Collaborative Training Institute (CTI) for the RCH – I programme of NIHFW. All this happened in 1997. Since then, our centre has continued to be actively involved in several NIHFW activities.
Funding agency : World Bank – through Govt. of India & NIHFW New Delhi Month & Year of Commencement: April 1999 Period of project : 6 years
Nodal agency: National Institute of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi was identified as the Nodal Agency to coordinate RCH training throughout the country.
Five types of training activities were envisaged :
- Awareness Generation Training for GPs, Teachers, Health personnel up to District Officers
- Integrated / Foundational Skill Development Training to improve skills.
- Specialized skill development / hands-on training in MTP / Laparoscopic Sterilization / Minilap / No Scalpel Vasectomy for MOs / IUD for Nursing staff.
- Management training for Senior Officers
- Communication training for Senior Officers
In order to assist NIHFW, New Delhi in above activities 16 Collaborating Training Institutions (CTI) were identified in the whole country. Govt. of India identified KEM Hospital Research Centre as a CTI for imparting RCH training in the states of Maharashtra, Goa & UT Dadra, Nagar & Haveli. Apart from monitoring & evaluation activities, CTIs are involved in conducting Training of Trainers (TOT) where four consultants and four support staff were engaged to carry out the activities.
Responsibilities :
- To assist the state authorities and the Nodal Agency in the selection of appropriate training institutions from government, NGOs and private / corporate sectors for implementing all types of training envisaged under RCH programme in the 38 districts from the states of Maharashtra (35) Goa (2) and the UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. (Map 1).
- To assist the state government and provide guidance to the districts in preparation of District Training Plans in accordance with the MOHFW’s “In Service Training Guidelines, 1996”
- To procure the training material from Nodal Agency, translate, adapt and print copies as per requirement.
- To distribute the training material to selected training institutions.
- To conduct “Training of Trainers” of the selected institutions and other training courses in the region in accordance with the approved plans
Laurels earned:
The performance of all CTIs was reviewed by NIHFW New Delhi in the year 2000. Numerical assessment was done. CTI KEMHRC was on top with 14 ½ marks. A certificate of appreciation was awarded to KEMHRC (Annexure 1).

Map 1 : Map of India depicting the project area of CTI, KEMHRC
Status of trained District Training Teams (Apr 1999 - Jan 2006)
Districts Covered |
Peadiatrician |
Ob/Gyn |
Management |
Communication |
Nursing |
Total |
120 |
120 |
129 |
221 |
111 |
145 |
72 |
Status of training of TOT (2006-2011)
Districts Covered |
Peadiatrician |
Ob/Gyn |
Management |
Communication |
Nursing |
Total |
36 |
20 |
38 |
78 |
23 |
37 |
196 |
Collaborating Training Institute for RCH Phase II and NRHM programmes
Funding Agency: NIHFW, New Delhi, Govt. of India Month and Year of Commencement: April 2006 Period of Project: 5 Years
- To provide effective, need based health care to the disadvantaged groups including women and children of rural and urban slum population to reduce Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) & Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR).
- Improvement of universal access to Public Health Services and enabling community ownership.
- Generating demand for services.
- Strengthening public health systems for efficient delivery of quality health care for prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases including locally endemic diseases.
- Enhancing equity and accountability by decentralization
- Suggestions for generating alternate source of financing e.g.reimbursement for curative services at the “Secondary (CHC) level or different types of insurance schemes.
- Integration of various Health and Family Welfare programmes to achieve population stabilization, gender and demographic balance.
- Convergence of safe drinking water supply, sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition with health planning for comprehensive primary health care.
Responsibilities of CTI, KEMHRC :
- To evaluate training carried out by the training institutions in the region including “on the spot” visits and provide evaluation reports to the state authorities and the Nodal Agency for taking corrective measures.
- To attend periodic co-ordination meetings convened by Joint Director of Health Services & Deputy Director of Health Services and also Principals, Health & Family Welfare Training Centres of Maharashtra, to review the progress.
Activities :
During RCH Phase II KEMHRC has mainly carried out the following activities:
Monitoring visits to various training sites –
Institutes visited :
Public Health Institute (PHI-Nagpur) |
Health & Family Welfare Training Centers (HFWTC) |
MPW Training Centre (MPWTC) |
ANM Training Centre (ANMTC) |
District Training Centre (DTC) |
Hospital Training Centre (HTC) |
Block Training Centre (BTC) |
Conducting training programmes for Medical Officers –
Integrated Management of Neonatal Childhood Illness (IMNCI) This is an eight days training for Medical Officers. With the help of modules, physician’s chart booklet and photographs, training is carried out to manage the infants and sick children from birth to five years. Training methodology involves module reading, role plays, field visit and clinical visit to NICU.
Sr. No. |
District |
Trainees |
1 |
03 |
2 |
Pune |
38 |
3 |
Raigad |
27 |
4 |
Satara |
18 |
5 |
Solapur |
27 |
6 |
Thane |
30 |
Routine Immunisation (RI) : This is a three days training programme for Medical Officers. With the help of handbook, operational guidelines are carried out to improve immunization status. Training methodology involves module reading, role plays and field visit.
Sr. No. |
District |
Trainees |
1 |
A.Nagar |
02 |
2 |
Amravati |
02 |
3 |
Buldhana |
01 |
4 |
Gondia |
02 |
5 |
Nagpur |
02 |
6 |
Pune |
44 |
7 |
Raigad |
10 |
8 |
Sangli |
01 |
9 |
Satara |
13 |
10 |
Solapur |
14 |
11 |
Thane |
13 |
12 |
Wardha |
01 |
Total |
105 |
Attending Review meetings at SFWB, Identifying new training sites Publication of IEC material / Health education
- Comprehensive RCH service logo has been prepared under the RCH Project. A close look shows that all the major activities proposed under the RCH programme have been depicted in logo.

- IEC material - Booklets in Marathi – Arogya Pustika, Health messages part I, II,III,IV, RTI/STI awareness, HIV AIDS, Neonatal development, Maternal Health.
- T shirts - Worlds AIDS Day awareness programme; we have given
- T-Shirts with the RCH logo to beneficiaries
- Posters – Antenatal care, Adolescent health, Male-Female reproductive system,
- Any other responsibilities given by NIHFW
Gap analysis of training institutes : An Orientation workshop was organized by NIHFW, New Delhi from 5/1/11 to 7/1/11 for Consultants of all CTIs. All Consultants from CTI, KEMHRC attended the same. The responsibility of carrying out the Gap Analysis of 23 districts in Maharashtra and Goa, Dadra Nagar Haveli was entrusted to us.
Duration : 17th Jan 2011 to 25th Feb 2011 Districts covered :
Ahmednagar |
Nanded |
Akola |
Osmanabad |
Amravati |
Parbhani |
Aurangabad |
Pune |
Beed |
Raigad |
Bhandara |
Ratnagiri |
Buldhana |
Satara |
Chandrapur |
Thane |
Dhule |
Wardha |
Jalgaon |
Yavatmal |
Kolhapur |
Dadra Nagar Haveli |
Nagpur |
Goa (State) |
Nashik |
Identification of new Training sites (RCH I & II) : Identification of new training sites during 1997-2009. During RCH Phase I & II, 50 institutes have been identified as clinical training sites and 69 institutes as non clinical training sites from Maharashtra; 5 institutes have been identified from Goa.
Identification of New Training sites during 2009 – 2011
During this period the following institutions were identified as new training sites:- Bharati Hospital, Pune Talegaon General Hospital, Pune District [MIMER] Walawalkar Trust Hospital, Derwan, Ratnagiri District Malegaon Civil Hospital, Nashik District FPAI, Pune Kashibai Navle Hospital, Pune
Activities Conducted During the year 2012-13: NIHFW activities
- Compilation of training database for Maharashtra State.
- Submission of Reports & Information on trainings for Maharashtra State.
- Respond to communications received from NIHFW.
SFWB, Pune activities
- Monitoring visits by teams comprising of our Consultants with Technical Staff, MPH Interns & Retired Govt. MOs to 21 districts to assess training performance, on the spot monitoring of trainings & evaluation of Health Services at District Hospitals, SHD / RH/ FRU, PHC & SC
- Monitoring of VCDCs / NRCs
- Participation in meetings of Principals of HFWTC with Training Cell, SFWB & NRHM.
- Participation in preparation and evaluation of Programme Implementation Plan (PIP 2013-14)
- Liaison between training Institutes & SFWB for modules, models or support activities.

Other Activities
Our Consultants
- Participated in National and State Level training programme and Workshops
- Capacity Building workshop organized for training faculties at CTI.
- Study tour to SIHFW, Jaipur for Consultants and Technical Staff.
Activities conducted from April 2013 to March 2014 : NIHFW, New Delhi and SFWB, Pune, activities
- Compilation of training database for Maharashtra State.
- Submission of Reports & Information on trainings for Maharashtra State.
- Respond to communications received from NIHFW.
- Visit for quality monitoring of ongoing training.
- Monitoring visits by teams comprising of our Consultants and Technical Staff to 21 districts to assess training performance, on the spot monitoring of trainings & evaluation of Health Services at District Hospitals, SHD / RH/ FRU, PHC & SC
- Participation in meetings of Principals of HFWTC with Training Cell, SFWB & NRHM.
- Participation in preparation and evaluation of Programme Implementation Plan (PIP 2013-14)
- Liaison between training Institutes & SFWB for modules, models or support activities.
Monitoring Visits : 2013-14
Trainings conducted by CTI, KEMHRC, Pune
Sr No
District or State
26 & 27 Aug 2013
Daman & Diu (UT)
CHC Auditorium Daman (UT)
DEO, Staff Nurse, Programme Officer
29 & 30 Aug 2013
Silvassa DNH (UT)
Conference Hall, School of Nursing, Vinoba Bhave Civil Hospital, Silvassa |
DEO, Staff Nurse, Programme Officer |
19 & 20 Nov 2013
Auditorium, HFWTC Hall, Nagpur |
12 & 13 Nov 2013
Auditorium, DHS, Campal, Panjim-Goa |
MO, SN, State Officials |
27 & 28 Nov 2013
Auditorium, K E M Hospital Research Centre, Pune |
PHN, DRCHO/ADHO, RMO (O), MO (Corporation) |
2 to 7 Dec 2013 |
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Auditorium, K E M Hospital Research Centre, Pune
MO, Staff Nurse, ANM
18 to 20 Dec 2013 |
Auditorium, K E M Hospital Research Centre, Pune
MO, Staff Nurse
Capacity Building for Consultants and Technical Staff by visiting SIHFW, Trivendrum, Kerala from 27 Jan to 31 Jan 2014