K.E.M Hospital, Pune celebrated its diamond jubilee in 1972. At that time a need was felt to further improve and expand their services.Read Further
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Women's Health & Development Training Centre, PabalThe campus of Women's Health & Development Training Centre in Pabal village, Shirur Taluka, was formally inaugurated by Dr. Banoo Coyaji on 9th January 1993. It is located on about one hectare land along the slope of the hill that is adjoining Pabal village. The land was purchased in 1989 by KEM Hospital on behalf of Indian Council Of Medical Research, for setting up an elaborate residential training complex. On account of paucity of funds for construction, KEM was permitted to use the land in a suitable manner, for the original purpose of health training to help development of rural womanfolk. Three geodesical ferro-crete domes were built – 2 of 7 meter diameter which could be used for training and a smaller one of 4 meter diameter which could be used as store room and watchman's cabin. These 'Pabal domes' became very popular and were fabricated by local Vigyan Ashram, an innovative institute for training young men and women in rural science and technology. It was interesting that the entire centre came up employing local talent. A former student of Vigyan Ashram set up a workshop for manufacturing steel framework required for the domes. Other former students served as construction contractors, some others helped in laying water supply pipeline or fixing a one meter high chain-link and barbed wire fence.
Location of Pabal and its training centers 2) Young Women's Health and Development Project (1988 – 1992)Young Women's Health and Development Project started in 1988 in 11 villages in the vicinity of Pabal with the financial assistance from ICMR. Objectives: • Health Education and Personality Development and to introduce Vocational Training for girls in the 7 to 19 years age group. • Develop interest in vocational training. During the 4 year period, around 1800 girls received training. These were mostly school dropouts or illiterate girls. The training helped them develop self confidence to initiate livelihood activities. Through the medium of family life education they gained knowledge in health education, hygiene, nutrition, etc. This helped in changing their attitudes towards health and development. The effect of this training had a tremendous impact on the people which was very obvious. 3) Women's Health and Development Training and Service Program (1993-2005)This new initiative commenced from January 1993 with funding from the JRD and Thelma J. Tata Trust. Objective: To improve the status of women by making them self-reliant and self-confidant by providing them formal and non formal education to Pre-adolescent girls (7-11yrs.), Adolescent girls (12-18 yrs) and Women over 20 years. Activities: • Training programs covered topics like health and health education, communication skills, family life education and formation of Self • Help group, mahila mandals. • Towards involving women/girls in income generation a vocational training-cum-production unit was set up for Tailoring, Embroidery, leather/synthetic bag making, machine knitting and bakery. With the passage of time, the training courses started becoming popular. The activities were extended to cover 18 villages with a population of about 55,000. Non formal training was given to adolescent girls and women, depending upon their needs. Guidance and consultative services were being provided to individuals or groups. Income generating activities were initiated. Mahila Mandals started organizing adult literacy classes in their villages.
Several NGOs and other agencies have visited Pabal to receive training as listed out herewith 4) CCA and Self Help Group Training was given to the following NGOs
5) Various activities conducted at Pabal Centre for Self Help Groups
6) Prof. Yamato Kawakami Foundation (1993-2012)Prof. Baba Apte, one of the Trustees and Founder of the Prof.Yamato Kawakami Foundation, always had a keen interest in helping the needy people of Pabal. Since 1993 he was involved in giving educational scholarships to needy girls from 5th to 10th standard, to enable them to purchase educational material. Bicycles and hostel facility were offered to deserving girls; some poor and needy college girls were given coaching class fees. Prof. Apte also offered financial assistance to needy women. Over 400 women received "zero interest" loans of Rs.1000/- to Rs.4000/- to start their own business such as goat rearing, poultry, etc. Several families have benefited from his generosity. Prof.Apte passed away in 2012.
The Late Prof. Apte addressing girs at one of the scholarship distribution function at Pabal 7) Late Dr.Sarah Rao FundDr.Sarah Rao was a medico who had specialized in Preventive and Social Medicine. She was closely associated with the Women's' Health and Development Project at Pabal. Her husband Commodore S S Rao retired from his posting in Delhi and they decided to settle down in a quiet rural place like Vadu in 1988. Both of them were actively involved in the projects and endeared themselves to one and all. In 1995, both of them migrated to the US to be with their daughters. After Dr.Sarah Rao passed away in 2004, Commodore Rao, their daughters, relatives and well wishers came together to set up the Late Dr. Sarah Rao Educational Fund on 01 August 2007. The fund is being utilized for the following : i. Each year around 20 deserving girls from the science faculty, are given a scholarship of Rs.1000/- each, for purchasing educational material. ii. A tailoring batch is conducted every year for needy rural women and girls. iii. More recently, Commodore Rao donated a sum of Rs.2 lakh for the construction of a multipurpose hall at Pabal which has been named as Late Dr.Sarah Rao Multipurpose Hall. We were fortunate that Commodore Rao could be present for the inauguration of the hall. He passed away recently on 9th May 2014. Comdre S S Rao at the inauguration of Late Dr.Sarah Rao Memorial Multipurpose Hall at Pabal 8) Late Dr. V.N.Rao Memorial FundDr.V.N.Rao served as Director of KEMHRC, for several years, from 1981 to 2003. During his tenure as Director, he played a major role along with Dr.Banoo Coyaji, in bringing the Centre to a prestigious status at the national and international level. His daughters, son-in-laws and near relatives came together to set up the Dr.V.N.Rao Memorial Fund in 2011. Since then, interest generated from this fund is being used to carry out various activities at Pabal. I. Administering rubella vaccine to school drop out girls (2011-12). II. Five new sewing machines were donated to the Tailoring class at Pabal (2012). III. In 2014, the MS-CIT course fees of 4 girls were paid through the Fund . IV. Gave scholarship to about 15 poor and needy girls from 5th to 10th standard from Pabal area, for purchasing educational material (2014). V. Conduct short duration courses as mehendi, rangoli etc. once or twice, in Pabal area (2014). His daughters and son-in-laws try to attend at least one function every year. One of the scholarship distribution function being carried out under the Late Dr. V.N.Rao Memorial Fund 9) Uddyam
13th June 2009 will be a memorable day in the history of Pabal. Due to the active efforts of Dr (Mrs) Usha Krishna, Trustee, KEMHRC and L & T Public Charitable Trust and Dr.K.J.Coyaji, Medical Director, KEM Hospital and Trustee, KEMHRC, a new chapter was being written. The untiring efforts of these 2 saw the introduction of completely different vocational courses for school dropout and housewives at Pabal. Dr.Banoo Coyaji's dreams were coming true. For empowerment of economically weak rural women and girls at the grass root level the following courses would be initiated : 1) Home nursing 2) Food processing and quantity cooking 3) Tailoring Sometime later additional activates were introduced. 4) Electrical wireman's course for males. 5) Public health program. The inaugural function on 13th June 2009 at Pabal Motivation to encourage women and girls for enrollment is achieved by:-• Meeting Self Help Groups, Community leaders, and Panchayat Members. • Information given on one to one basis through handbills, in Pabal and surrounding hamlets • Community Welfare Workers (CWW) motivate girls and women for enrollment. Criteria for Enrollment: • Age limit : 18 to 45 years • Education : 9th pass or fail Syllabus: A ) Home Nursing : Hygiene, First Aid, Surgical Nursing, Anatomy, Medical Nursing, Nursing Arts, Nutrition, Midwifery and Family Planning, Pediatric Nursing, Personality development. B) Food Processing and Quantity Cooking : Food and its Quality, Food processing, Food purchase and preservation, Cleanliness and safety, Management of Unit and Personality development. C)Tailoring : Introduction of sewing machine. Measurement, cutting and stitching of blouses, Punjabi dresses, chudidar with fashionable neck design. D) Electrical Wireman : Introduction of trade, tools & equipment. Documentation. Materials. Testing. Safety. Workshop practice. Wire termination & Joints. Cable glanding, Termination Lug and soldering. Basic wiring(PVC). Basic wiring(MS). Basic wiring(Concealed type). Termination & fault finding in construction M/c & fittings. Simple control circuit. Making of earth pit. Testing of circuits. Introduction to trade on job site. Revision. Final testing & evaluation. Methods of teaching : • We give theory and practical training for all the courses, along with two months Hospital Practical Training for Home Nursing. • At the end of the course Final examinations are conducted and certificates awarded to successful trainees. Achievements :
Follow up of Trainees (June 2009 – Sept. 2013)