Directors' Desk

 Dr. Mrs. Laila GardaDr.Mrs.Laila Garda  DirectorResearch

In 1973 Banoobai set up the KEM Hospital Research Centre, an NGO whose mission was to conduct problem oriented and problem solving research in subjects which affect the life of common people, with an emphasis on women and children. The areas of research include Reproductive and Child Health(RCH), adolescent health, HIV and AIDS, quality of health services, womens' development and various clinical topics. There is a multi-disciplinary approach which leads to providing quality services at the K.E.M. Hospital and informs policy makers regarding evidence-based intervention.

Some path-breaking and multi-disciplinary projects include:

1: Maternal Mortality Study

2: Abortion Study

3: Domestic Violence

4: Youth Sexual Behaviour

Interventional research that would benefit the community was an important focus of the centre's activities and these include projects like:

1: Integrated Programme on prevention and early detection and treatment of childhood disabilities.

2: A strategy for addressing Reproductive Health Issues concerning married adolescents and young adults in rural areas of Western Maharashtra

3: Care and Support for persons' living with HIV/AIDS

4: CASP plan - KEMHRC collaborative RCH Project

5: Setting up Adolescent Health Centres-modalities

Cohort studies included:

1: Maternal Nutrition and Intra Uterine Foetal Growth

2:Endocrine, Metabolic and Cardio-Vascular Correlates of Low Birth Weight in Indian Children.

3: Child Survival Study

Operational Research Studies:

1: District Project on Reproductive and Child Health

2: Model RCH Project

Development and Training Projects:

1: Women's Health and Development Training and Services Programme

2: RCH Training Project

3: Vadu Rural Health Programme

4: Health and Demographic Surveillance System

5: Hand Washing compliance and risk of Acute Respiratory Infections

6: The Sprinkles Study

Biomedical Research:

1: Norplant I

2: Developing clinical approaches for the management of vaginal discharge

3: Misoprostal abortion Study

4: Mifeprostone followed by Misoprostal for late first trimester abortions

Drug and Vaccine Trials:

1: Safety and immunogenecity of DTP-HB combination

2: Hepatitis B vaccination in neonates using UNIJECT

3: New drug for treatment of asthma

As a multi-speciality hospital, KEM serves as a base for clinical research and as a referral centre for cases identified during field activities.Dr.Banoo Coyaji never saw research in purely academic terms. She believed that research must bring benefits to the patients of the KEM Hospital and to the community at large.